Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Great Theresa --- Expert Make-up Artist and Goddess

Theresa is not only a make-up artist --- she is magician. This expert will take the average girl and turn you into a cover girl. We are planning a lovely event on January 11, 2008 and you can have a new look --- look great in 2008!!!

Plan to be on the set with Theresa this week. She will be working on my new look for 2008 -- defintely working on the eyes as you know the eyes always have it and the best part of seduction begins there!

Theresa plan is to 5 minute make overs and we are bringin in a expert from a make-up line as well.

I will be giving fitness tips and helping girls with a changing their fitness regime to achieve their goals.

It is going to be a great PARTy!!!!


Anonymous said...

i need a new look.......... actually i just need a look. :-)

Wanna be like a CeleBRITy said...

Hey ---Love to help you---liked your blog!!!\